Well, hello there!!
I’m Jennifer Blanchard, author, multi-passionate creative and manifestation teacher.
If you struggle with manifesting what you want, you’ve come to the right place!
Here’s how I can help:
- START HERE: The FREE F*ck the How Masterclass + Worksheet–this foundational training will introduce you to my F*ck the How process and show you how to use it in your own life
- NOT SURE WHAT YOU WANT? The Soul Desires vs. Shoulds audio + worksheet will help you get clear on exactly what you want, so you can manifest it
- LOOKING FOR A NEW BOOK? Check out my bestselling manifesting books here
- READY TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP? Check out my manifesting courses here
More About Jennifer Blanchard
My story goes a little something like this…
It was the summer of 2018. I was in a marriage that had more than run its course. We were doing the polite we-know-we-shouldn’t-be-together-but-it’s-easier-to-ignore-the-elephant-in-the-room-than-it-is-to face-it-and-break-up dance for far too long, and I was over it.
The problem was, I didn’t fully trust myself to make a decision of that magnitude. Even though I knew what I wanted–and that what I had wasn’t it–I still worried I was wrong. I was afraid I’d make a huge mistake and regret it.
So I decided to do something I had never done before–I decided to surrender it to the Universe/God.
Standing in the bathroom of the apartment I shared with my now-ex-husband, I closed my eyes and said: Universe, I feel so stuck and unsure. I don’t know what to do and I can’t keep trying to figure it out myself. So I’m surrendering and delegating it to you to figure out for me. If this is truly the right relationship for me, I trust that it will shift in some way, and if it’s not the right one, I ask that you have him break up with me. That way I know for sure that this was the right decision.
Not long after that day, I downloaded a message that completely changed my life. An 8-word phrase hit my brain like a lightning bolt: Feeling good is the point and the path.
It’s like everything I had learned about spirituality and the Law of Attraction and manifestation all came together in a simple, clear message that I understood completely in every ounce of my being.
In that moment, I decided that I would put my total and complete focus on feeling as good as possible for as long as possible, every single day.
And that’s exactly what I did.
- I created a feel-good morning routine
- I scheduled feel-good breaks throughout my day
- I joy-ified my apartment.
- I started spending more time outside
- I went to my favorite Starbucks and Whole Foods cafe several times a week to write instead of staying at home
- I checked in constantly on how I was feeling and I shifted myself back to feeling good whenever I wasn’t
I was relentless. I didn’t let anything mess with my vibe. I just chose to ignore what wasn’t feeling good in my life and focus entirely on what was and on creating more good feelings.
I did tons of inner work, healing old stories, and beliefs, and offered forgiveness to myself and the people who hurt me in the past.
I no longer wanted to hold onto anything negative. Anything blocking my feel-good had to go.
And then on January 8, 2019, a miracle happened–my (now-ex) husband asked me for a divorce.
Our split was amicable and peaceful and it had an underlying feeling of certainty. I’d never experienced anything like that before, especially when it came to something that would usually be tough or even traumatic.
Not only did the Universe/God bring me exactly what I asked for, but the way it all played out further cemented my belief that feeling good is the point AND the path.
Feeling good is the point–it’s the point of every single thing you want. You want the things you want because you believe having them will make you feel good.
And feeling good is also the path to receiving those things.
Everything is energy, and everything has a vibrational frequency. The things you want are on a frequency that feels good. When you feel good, you match that frequency and the things you want can come to you with ease, like a magnet.
But when you’re constantly focusing on the negative or on what you don’t have or the misfortunes of your current reality, you literally BLOCK the things you want from coming to you! That way of being is a low-vibrational energy and can only attract more of the same.
If I had surrendered and asked the Universe/God to help me, but then spent all of my time worrying and wallowing and in fear, I would probably still be in that marriage, miserable, and living the wrong life.
But because I decided to instead focus on feeling good, I put myself on the same energetic frequency as the result I wanted: the Universe to decide the outcome of my marriage. And so it did.
Since then, I have used the power of my mindset and energetic frequency (aka vibration) to create the life of my absolute dreams, including manifesting:
- The love of my life
- My books hitting #1 on Amazon
- The Jeep I always wanted
- A thriving author business where I make multi-four figures per month in book royalties (and growing)
- A 5,100-square-foot dream house on five acres of land
- Luxury vacations
AND there’s so much more to come!! I can’t wait to continue sharing this journey with you!!