I have something personally exciting for me that I wanted to share with you.
This isn’t just about what I did in secret (I’ll get to that in a second), it’s about always being willing to reinvent yourself and constantly manifesting your next level in life (and business). And oftentimes realizing that your younger self knew all along who you’d become.
When I was in elementary school, I borrowed a book from the library called, How To Be An Interior Decorator. (I still to this day don’t know what made me want to borrow that book. All I can say is my future self was planting a seed.)
In high school and college, I had jobs where I did visual merchandising for the stores I worked for.
I’ve always had a love of design and have spent hours of my life reading home design books and magazines and binging design and renovation shows on HGTV. I’ve spent a lot of time building and refurbishing furniture.
And this year I’ve been designing the townhouse my boyfriend and I live in, bringing our design style to life as best I can in a rental.
All of this inspired me to see how lit up and expanded I feel when I’m doing interior design stuff. It’s one of the few things that makes me feel this way. So I decided to take things a step further…
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