I’ve started to do this thing where I go somewhere or buy myself something specific that I’ve been wanting as a way of celebrating and anchoring in my goals when I achieve them.
Goals are fleeting. After you hit one, there’s another on the horizon.
But memories, those last forever.
And whenever I see or carry or use the “anchor” item, it reminds me of my journey and how far I’ve come. It reminds me of what I’ve created.
It’s a memory of something that I would have otherwise long forgotten because I live so much in the present moment.
When I published Quantum Leap Your Life, I bought myself the silver and blue Tiffany heart necklace I’d been dreaming of for years. When I decided I was finally ready to make five figures per month in book royalties, I bought a Gucci belt as a way of symbolizing who I was becoming and now deciding to be.
It’s not necessarily about the item, specifically. Just what it represents. I’ve also taken trips to special places to anchor things in or had dinner at a restaurant I’d been wanting to try.
Anything can work as an “anchor” so long as it has significance for you.
I bought my very first Portland Leather Goods bag (see pic) in March of this year to celebrate and anchor in that I’m now consistently making four figures per month in book royalties. (It’s a PLG medium classic tote in Coldbrew, in case you’re wondering).
Whenever I see, use or carry this bag, it reminds me that I am now the author I always dreamed I would be.
That I created this life and I’m so beyond grateful to be living it.
P.S. You can pick up a copy of my books here