Earlier this year, I asked my email list to share with me their goals for 2024, and I would show them how to apply my MANIFEST Method to it. [You can read Part 1 of this series here]
Here’s what one reader replied to me: “I am in perfect health–mentally and physically.”
Now, let’s go through my MANIFEST Methodology and I’ll show you how to apply it to this specific goal (and goals like it; just substitute her health goal for yours):
M = Massive Clarity
This is the step where you get clear on what you want, specifically or in general.
Being in “perfect health–mentally and physically” is a very broad goal. And while there’s nothing wrong with being broad, it also makes it difficult to know when you’ve achieved it.
By defining what “perfect health” means and looks like for you, it will be a lot easier to know what actions to start with, which inspired ideas are worth trying, and when you’ve actually achieved what you desire.
A = Advance gratitude
In this step, pretend like you are already in a perfect state of health in all ways. And then say thank you to the Universe (or God, Source, etc) for it already being done.
You could say something like: Thank you Universe/God for my perfect health (my go-to phrase is: thank you for my health and healing).
The goal is to find the gratitude phrase that feels good to you. Then, start saying that phrase to yourself over and over again whenever you can. Most especially when you feel doubt/fear/worry coming up.
N = Now decide you’re worthy
This is a BIG one. Worthiness and not feeling good enough for what you want will stop you from getting it (or if you get it, you will unconsciously sabotage it).
Do you feel worthy of having your version of perfect health? Do you believe that you deserve it?
And if you don’t, that’s a part of your work–to figure out why you don’t and then give yourself whatever you need to change how you feel.
I = Inner work
Worthiness aside, you also have to look at your inner world and mindset. Most specifically around you having your version of perfect health.
Do you believe it’s possible? Do you believe it’s possible for you? Is there anything in your thoughts or beliefs that tells you something in opposition to what you want?
That is what you’ll need to work on in this step.
F = Feel it
Next up is feeling like you’re already living and experiencing your version of perfect health.
You can do whatever helps you to feel like this is true–visualize, meditate, journal about it, celebrate in advance, write out a story you can read over and over again.
Do anything you can to create an emotional state that matches how you will feel having your version of perfect health.
For example, when my dad got diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, I told him to think of something he wanted to do to celebrate being cancer-free. He decided he wanted to celebrate during the family camping trip that was already scheduled for later in the year.
All during his treatments and recovery, he thought about that camping trip and imagined and felt about how much fun it was going to be. He kept his mind focused on celebrating his cancer being gone, not on worrying about what could be.
And I’m happy to say he has been in remission for a couple of years now, and his health has never been better.
Your mindset and how you feel inside plays a much bigger part in healing than our current healthcare system understands. One of my faves, Dr. Joe Dispenza, has a variety of meditations available that can help you get into a feel-good state when it comes to your health and wellness. I highly recommend checking them out.
E = Embody it
To embody something means you become it. So how can you become the version of you who already has the perfect health you desire?
Act as if you are already this woman by becoming her now.
How does she take care of herself? How does she advocate for herself concerning her healthcare? How does she dress? What are her health habits? What are her thoughts and beliefs?
These are all ways you can begin to embody being the version of you who already has your version of perfect health.
S = Show up for your life
This step means don’t get so sucked into having perfect health that you forget about everything else. You still get to live your life, be happy, take care of yourself, and find ways (even little ones) to enjoy the journey while you’re working on having what you want.
This could mean doing what you know you would be doing if you already had your version of perfect health (to whatever degree you can in the moment). It could also mean planning fun activities so you always have something to look forward to.
It could even mean no longer putting off certain health actions you’ve maybe been dragging your feet on, like starting to exercise again, or finally meeting with that naturopathic doctor you heard about recently.
The idea with this step is that you still find ways to live your life WHILE you work on manifesting your desired perfect health.
T = Take inspired action
There’s really two parts to this step–the do what you know to do actions and the inspired ones you’re led to along the way.
Depending on where you’re currently at with your health, there may already be things you’re doing or know you could be doing, like making an appointment to see a doctor, getting medical treatment of some kind, or working on improving your mindset and immune system (I recommend Dr. Joe Dispenza for the former and the Medical Medium for the latter).
And then there are the actions you will be inspired to along the way. Things that the Universe nudges you with, or suggestions/resources/people that show up in your life. When those come to you, trust and take action (if it would feel good to). You never know where it will lead you.
Up next in this series: how to use my MANIFEST Method to receive more money.
Note: The information in this blog post is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Results are not guaranteed.