I made a list of all of my books this morning and reminisced about when I wrote them.
And I noticed something…
If you start with my first book (Butt-In-Chair) and read all 17 books in the order of when I wrote and published them, you would see a timeline of my life’s journey so far.
With Butt-In-Chair, I had finally figured out how to overcome procrastination and resistance to doing my creative work.
With Creative On Command (book #3), I had just finished getting my holistic health coaching certification and had been experimenting with food and how it affected my creativity.
Soundcheck (book #4) was my debut novel and the first bit of fiction I ever put out into the world. It was the culmination of an 18-year dream to be a novelist and I finally made it happen.
When I wrote Align Your Writing Habits To Success (book #5), I had just come off nine straight months of working on my mindset every single day and it was changing so many things right before my eyes.
The 15-Minute Writer (book #7) came from the writing habit I built that led to me being able to write and publish more books every year.
Miraclefesting (book #10) was a collab with two friends of mine who were also on spiritual journeys with amazing manifestation stories to tell.
Book #13 was F*ck the How, the book of books, the one that changed everything. I got deeply personal and shared the journey of manifesting my divorce.
And on and on you could go.
Each book is unique. Each book tells a story.
Each book represents a version of me and where I was in my life and mindset at the time.
The journey to creating the life of my dreams and all that I’ve learned along the way.
And I’m only just getting started.
P.S. You can check out all 17 of my books here: