Sometimes on our life journey, we’ve asked for something and it hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe we’ve been asking for it for a really long time, but we still haven’t gotten it.
When this happens, we immediately turn to fear-based thinking: “I must not be worthy of it. It must not be meant for me. I must not have worked hard enough yet. I must not have done enough. I must be blocking it. I must be…”
But what we often don’t realize is, it’s none of that.
There is always far more happening in the “unseen,” or, as my favorite author, Mike Dooley, says, “behind the curtains of time and space” than we can ever know.
When you ask for something, the Universe always says yes—this or something better.
But there’s a time-lag between asking for what you want and receiving it in your physical reality. And this time-lag is where faith and trust comes in.
If you’ve asked for something, then it’s yours. You’re either going to receive exactly what you asked for or something even better. That’s how it works.
But when you’re constantly looking into your physical reality for results or evidence and not seeing it, it’s easy to convince yourself that it’s not going to happen. It’s easy to start believing you must be doing something wrong, or you must be blocking it, or whatever nonsense we humans like to tell ourselves to try and feel better about the things we don’t have yet.
But, again, it’s none of that.
The Universe has already answered. And the answer is yes—this or something better.
The resources, connections, people and whatever else is required to bring what you’re asking for into physical manifestation has already begun in the “unseen.”
But you actually block it from coming to you with thoughts of “why isn’t it here yet?” or “I must not be worthy of it” or “I must not have worked hard enough yet” or “it must not be meant for me.” And you block it even more by constantly looking into your physical reality to see if it’s there yet.
This is when you must shift your belief about the conditions you see around you into faith in the Universe.
Abraham-Hicks has such an incredibly clear way of saying this: “Belief is being attached to a condition that gives you justification to believe it. Faith is a vibration that isn’t attached to a condition; it’s attached to a knowledge of the laws of the Universe.”
Read that one again.
“Belief is being attached to a condition that gives you justification to believe it. Faith is a vibration that isn’t attached to a condition; it’s attached to a knowledge of the laws of the Universe.”
When you ask for something, It. Is. DONE.
It’s yours. It’s done. And it’s this or something even better.
But you have to stop attaching the condition of receiving it or having it show up in your reality to the belief that it’s yours. You have to start having more faith in your knowledge of how the laws of the Universe work, and know that what you want is already yours the moment you ask for it to be.
When you know how something works, you don’t doubt it. You just know and trust that it’s going to work, over and over again, every single time.
There’s this really great quote: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking, because its trust is not on the branch but on its wings.”
A bird has faith in its wings and in the knowing that its wings can save it from falling. The condition of the branch or the tree is inconsequential.
Same goes here.
You can either choose to put your faith and belief in the conditions you see around you or in the previous expectations you had about your life.
Or, you can choose to have faith in the knowledge of the laws of the Universe. Ever unfailing. Ever un-judging. Ever precise.
You will always get what you habitually think and feel about. This is why you must think about, focus on, feel, believe and expect the things you want to show up. And when you do, that is when it will come through into your physical reality.
Far more is always happening in the “unseen” than you can perceive with your limited human physical senses. But that doesn’t mean things aren’t happening.
What you want is already on its way to you. The answer is always yes – this or something better.
But you’ve got to have more faith in your wings and in the laws of the Universe than you have in the branch.