This is something I never talk about, mostly because it’s uncomfortable, but it’s something that’s coming through right now, wanting to be shared.
I was raised Catholic. I made all of the sacraments and went to church and religion classes every week. I was taught about things like original sin and needing to confess your sins and be forgiven for them and God judging you to decide whether you’ve lived a life worthy of getting to go to Heaven after you die.
And none of it sat well with me. Especially now, but even as a kid. I just always felt like there was something off about what I was being taught.
For years of my adult life, I carried around what I call “God trauma.” I was raised to believe things about life and about God that did not resonate with me. Not only did it not resonate, but it felt like a lie.
That was NOT the experience of God I’d been having my entire life… and yet that was what I was being taught to believe.
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