There. I said it. The one thing people rarely say in the online entrepreneur/coaching space.
Most of the time, you think you’re doing something because of your vision or wanting to help more people, but when you dig deep to the core of it, the only thing you’re actually doing is chasing money.
Hiring that expensive coach because she claims to help people make money. Signing up for yet another course or program when you haven’t even gone through the ones you’ve already paid for. Constantly looking for the magical silver bullet solution that will finally open the money floodgates for you.
I hate to be the one to burst your bubble—actually, I really don’t; I love being that woman—but it ain’t gonna happen.
There is no magic bullet.
There is no always-works-every-time strategy.
There is no one thing that will change everything or make the money start pouring in.
Except for this: finally admitting to yourself that you’re chasing money, and then stopping and instead connecting with your actual purpose on this planet.
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